JET Light Dome, Standard

The JET light dome standard range contains the tried and tested JET-TOP-90 light domes. They can be utilised, among other applications, on industrial flat roofs for natural lighting, ventilation and/or smoke and heat exhaust (SHEV).

The standard range impresses with its large number of variants with regard to dimensions, shapes and material designs. You can hereby choose between square, rectangular and round layouts as well as curved, pyramid-shaped or hemispherical designs. Equipped with opal or optionally clear plastic glazing enables an additional architectural accent to be created in the flat roof.

Select between 2-skinned or 3-skinned versions in different moulded shapes to find the suitable product for you. Our light domes fit on all JET types of upstands and even on almost all upstands from third-party manufacturers. They can be delivered in dimensions from 60 x 60 cm to 270 x 270 cm and diameters up to 270 cm.

JET TOP-90 Light Dome

JET TOP-90 Pyramid light dome

JET TOP-90 ROUND 2-skinned


JET-TOP-90 3-skinned

JET-TOP-90-Pyramid 3-skinned

JET-TOP-90-ROUND 3-skinned